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UB General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work

7 March 2007

The General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work has been produced by the University of Ballarat in various forms since 1986. During 2006 a decision was taken to focus on the web based delivery of the guide and CeCC was contracted to assist with this process. CeCC has utilised its single source publishing technologies to support UB staff in producing and maintaining the web-based and paper-based versions of this important student resource. 

Using the CeCC Docbook Manager, contributors and editors of the guide are now able to maintain the guide using a robust and consistent system with built in workflow processes. The primary editor of the application has been singularly impressed with the software and found the transition from traditional word processing tools quite straightforward. In particular, the new environment is providing major improvements in stability and reliability.

The guide can be found on the University of Ballarat website at

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